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Informative Guides

This section comprises blogs that offer valuable and practical information, including guides for system bug fixing, installation procedures, fundamental Linux commands, and various other topics.

Fix Desktop Global Scaling

# How to fix global scaling on KDE desktop environment?
# I'm on laptop with 14th inch screen, fonts size and other stuffs are too small.

Step 1:
  Go to settings:
        Display and Monitor -> Display Configuration -> Set Global scale to 175%(Recommended)
Step 2:
  Go to settings:
        Startup and Shutdown -> Login Screen(SDDM) -> Apply Plasma Settings

Pacman Cheatsheet

About: Pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux and its derivatives.

Common commands:
    sudo pacman -Syu : Upgrade everything
    sudo pacman -Syu <pkg> : Install packages and update package list
    sudo pacman -S <pkg> : Install packages only
    sudo pacman -Rsc <pkg> : Uninstall packages
    sudo pacman -Ss <keywords> : Search packages for keywords
    sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq) : Uninstall unneeded packages
    sudo pacman -Qs <query> : Search installed packages for keywords

Ventoy Installation

#This method will work only on arch based distro.

Step 1:
  Install ventoy package: Run command "sudo pacman -S ventoy-bin" on terminal.

Step 2:
  #Plug-in desired USB flash drive and
  #locate device name of USB flash drive using the following commands:
        => lsblk -f
        => sudo mount /dev/sdx  where x maybe any drive letters.
  NOTE: In these instructions the USB flash drive device name is assumed to be "/dev/sdc".

Step 3: Install ventoy to USB using following commands:-
        => ventoy -i /dev/sdc 

  #Installation completed.

System Re-installation Guides

Setup steps to recover system configuration:

    Step 1: Run setup script for installing neccessary packages or softwares.
    Step 2: Do setup your system configuration with konsave.
    Step 3: Overwrite .config files in .config folder(press Ctrl+H in home directory). 
    #NOTE: Don't delete .config folder, overwrite it.
    Step 4: Delete uneccessary packages on system and install neccessary packages as per your need.
    Step 5: Check for any errors or issues and do fix.

Setup your code editors(IDEs):

    VS Code: Login with GitHub or Microsoft.
             It will automatically recover your configuration if synced earlier.

Setup your browser:

    Brave: Do setup your browser by sync code or just overwrite the browser config in .config folder.

Delete Linux from Windows

# This step is done after deleting the linux partion on disk management in Windows.
# This step will prevent booting in grub rescue or Windows recovery mode after deleting linux partition.

Open command prompt as an administrator:
    Now run the commands in sequence: 
        => diskpart
        => list disk
        => select disk 0
        => list partition
        => select partion 1 (NOTE:- here partion 1 contains system, numbers may vary.)
        => assign letter=x  (you can assign any alphabet letter.)
        => exit
        => x:
        => dir
        => cd efi
        => dir
        => rd ubuntu /s    (NOTE:- there can be name of any distro in place of ubuntu.)
        => y
        => dir
        => exit

# Once this step is done don't forget to unassign drive letter x from disk part.

Again open the command prompt as an administrator:
    Now run the commands in sequence:
        => diskpart
        => list volume
        => select volume 1 (NOTE:- here volume 1 has assigned letter 'x' it may be different in your case.)
        => remove letter x
        => exit

# If you are facing any difficulties just search the web and check YouTube videos related to this.

Some Common Issues and Solutions

Query1: I'm unable to increase the volume using volume keys in KDE plasma.
        It's showing no input or output devices found.

Solution: Try updating the kernal to the latest and
          run command 'sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse'.
          This solution also works in the case when bluetooth devices are not getting paired.

Query2: How to permanently alias a command in fish shell?
        e.g. alias pacu=' sudo pacman -Syu' this works but after reopening the terminal this command doesn't works.

Solution: You have to put it into the '' file.

Query3: I'm unable to update system after fresh installation of arch based distro.

Solution: Run command 'sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring' and then update the system easily.

Query4: I'm unable to boot into BIOS using function keys. 

Solution: Run command 'sudo systemctl reboot --firmware' on terminal.

Query5: How to remove Windows entries from GRUB after removing Windows. PS: I'm currently using only linux.

Solution: On terminal run command 'sudo rm -r/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft'. 
          Then update grub using command 'sudo update-grub'.
          If you are using arch based distro then use 'sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg'.

Query6: How to auto mount a external hard disk drive or any drives without root password ?

Solution: => run command sudo blkid and then copy the UUID of your drive from there.
          => then run command sudo nvim /etc/fstab then paste the UUID in format 'UUID=875925fjald'.
          => then press tab and write the path of mount point.
          => again press tab and write the filesystem name eg. 'ext4' or 'ntfs'.
          => again press tab and write 'defaults' again press tab write '0' then tab then '0'.
          => save and exit and run 'sudo mount -a' , now reboot your system.

Query7: How to disable kde wallet popping out after password change in kde ?

Solution: paste 'Enabled=false' in '~/.config/kwalletrc' file. To disable frequent asking of wifi password by kde
          daemon, go to Settings -> Network -> Connection -> Wifi Security then set store password for all users
          (not encrypted).

Image Reference for Query6 and Query7



Some Basic Linux Commands

sudo su : For changing normal user mode to root user i.e superuser.
whoami : Displays username.

ls : This command will list files of present working directory.
     Use flag -a for listing hidden files, -l for seeing permissions and -R for listing items inside the directory
     of directory. ie. ls -alR.

cd /directory: For changing directory.
cd .. : For moving to previous directory.
cd ~ : For changing directory to home directory.
cd / : For changing into root.

clear, history, exit	: For clearing, listing previously used commands and closing the teminal.

touch "filename.extension" : For creating a file in working directory.

mkdir "directory\name" : For creating an empty directory in working directory.

rmdir "directory\name" : For deleting an empty directory.
rm -r "directory\name" or "filename.extension" : For deleting non-empty directory or files.
# NOTE: Use rm -rf "directory\name" for deleting non empty directory. -f flag is used for force delete.

chmod "xyz" "filename" : For changing permissions of a file or directory. 
                        ie. chmod 777 filename.extension or chmod u+x directory\name.

htop or btop : For system monitoring.
neofetch : For fetching system information.
# NOTE: Make sure that neofetch is installed on your system.
vimtutor : For learning how to use vim editor.

du -hs /fullDirectoryPath/ : For fetching size of a directory.
                             Use du --help for more information.
# NOTE: Very useful when piped with pwd command. eg. pwd | du -hs .

fdisk -l : For disk partition list.
           Use fdisk --help for more information.
lsblk -f : For disk partion and filesystem related information.
           Use lsblk --help for more information.

cat "filename" or less "filename" : For displaying file content on terminal.
cat "filename1" > "filename2" : For overwriting content of "filename1" to "filename2".
# NOTE: this action will delete the earlier content of filename2.
cat "filename1">>"filename2" : For overriding content of "filename1" to "filename2".
tac "filename1" > "filename2" and tac "filename1" >> "filename2" : For flipping one file into another.
# NOTE: Very useful if you want to save your commands from history.
cat $SHELL : Gives path of the SHELL.

command >> filename.txt : For storing output of a command into 'filename.txt' file.
mv "old_filename" "new_filename" : For renaming a file or directory.
                                  Use flags -i -v for more information.
cp "old_filename" "new_filename" : For copying contents of "old_filename" to new new file named "new_filename".

alias "shortCommand" = "longCommand" : For making custom commands.
command1 | command2 : Will take output of command1 as input of command2.
                     ie. ls | wc -l (This type of operation is known as piping.)
wc : For counting no. of words, lines, character and etc in a file.
    Use different flags ie. wc -l, wc -c, etc for more information check wc --help
# NOTE: Very useful when used with piping. eg. cat gitCommands.txt | grep git | wc .                               

whereis "package\name" : This command locates the source, binary, and manuals sections for specified package.
package --version : Displays version of the package.

Image Reference for Chroot.

